Surely two hits can't be right?
Dale list help
How many attacks does have WK on fell beast?
Smaug base Size
Do weapons matter?
What is even more disappointing than the lists.....
Bambu Lab A1 3D Printer worth it?
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game – Key changes in the new edition - Warhammer Community
2 handed weapons in the new edition
Dragon cult acolytes
Why did this happen?
Rules pages from new box set!
Easterlings getting started
Newcomer advice
Hey everyone, new to MESBG
What's the most common points limit for games?
Thoughts on this Dragon Emperor LL?
Dragon Emperor, Rutabi and Brogir too much for 650 point list?
Advice wanted for 600pt pure Far Harad list
Help against war Mûmak of harad
Host of the Dragon Emperor army list
Stolen WR140?