Today I have achieved my goal of solo hunting a Tempered Gore Magala! Cheers everyone! 🍻
Is there no End Game High-rank Boss like Ibushi/Narwa or Xeno'jiiva?
Don't sleep on the Gravios Lance!
Can we take a moment to appreciate how much of an improvement Lance is, in this game?
Are there any decent Daka (wyvernheart) alternatives to the Wild Stinger?
I'm convinced that Opening Shot is bugged.
Does the Elemental Attack Skills affect Bowgun Ammo?
Can get take a moment to appreciate this beast?
Trump: Annexation of Greenland ‘will happen’
generated 1 Billion counters in 1 attack.
I was very confused how Zoh Shia could be the "Ultimate Secret Weapon of Wyveria."
As a man, what would be an appropriate way to find a woman roommate?
I got 100% achievements
Anyone else really like the Jin Dahaad fight?
Don't sleep on the Trade-Item Armors!
PSA,: If you're not farming Scarlet Forest Zone 8: Underground Lake, you're SERIOUSLY Missing out. Easy 30k+ guild points/hour.
Is it me? Or is opening Shot bad?
Ok so I have the materials but it won't let me craft the item.
New to MH, can someone explain the values next to the element effects? Dual Blade, Artian vs. Non and general Element advise.
40 hours in, and I'm starting to learn that Capcom didn't so much take QoL features OUT of the Game....
Can we take a moment to appreciate how broken the Butterfly armor is this time around?
What kind of Monster Hunter clones do you expect to see?
I didn't get the Nata hatred until I reached the end of the story