Am I going to get to play Hexic HD again???
I just realized that the Broken Binding editions have small bits from the UK covers for the sub-book headers. I thought it was a nice touch
Creator of the Stanley Parable has released a farming sim with a soundtrack composed by C418.
Dog bone? Found slightly underground in backyard.
What is this? A dog bone or an actual bone? Or both? Or neither?
What's a game that you really, really, really, REALLY want to like, but just can't?
Just had the WORST misidentification of my life
PSA: You can't build over jaguar traps
Unforgettable Verdansk Teaser
The movement
Master Bedroom - Bathroom door bug + FPS issues
Favorite part of Bleasdale so far!
Only Polty can throw objects with lights on in room?
Yeah, Verdansk is going to look slightly different
What’s a video game song that immediately makes you emotional when you hear it?
This moment in the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 still makes me salty
would this bring you back?
Stand up for science protest at WashU med campus
What higher Tier equipment do you NOT prefer?
Bleasdale Rework March 10th
This is why we drop the crucifix...
Thank god I wasn’t talking when this guy drove past me…
Holy moly!
This is what Hairlock looks like and you cannot change my midd
Not a fan of the ghost room I guess