Whoever stole my chipotle order screw you
I will never understand those people
Remember kids, history repeats itself
Fireteam Osiris in a nutshell
It's from a different Palmer (AFAIAA).
finally gonna experience the games my dad has holy glazed and praised for myself… plus i got both sealed 🔥 anything I should know before going in?
Need help deciding between UNC, UMD, UIUC and UMel - CS
Men with the one complement they get years ago
Gears of War 2 Ultimate Edition was in development “10 years ago” but was scrapped by Xbox
Just made my preorder
MY 2 Custom Xbox360 RGH’s
money money money money money money money money money
Whether you are team wings or no-wings, everyone depicts the Balrog wrong
Should I remove it or leave it on?
An unusual 911 call
Guys playing in the woods
There must be some way or else how could this be possible?
Some of y'all built like an ice cream truck tbh
The many gifts of Eru Ilúvatar
Heresy and sacrilige, but here goes:
When Gandalf faces Balrog.
Whats the most badass game after tha Doom games
Gears live action
Cute cat trying to help with work