I finished part 7
Will there ever be another Female JoJo protagonist?
Why is this character so hyper-sexualized? (invincible spoilers also)
Araki forgot. (Josuke higashtika)
could crazy diamond hypothetically stop time?
how did joseph get so damn old in 10 years?
Worse father?
Question regarding death
W&G PC stats outta control (It sems to me anyways)
No hamon?
How are physically weaker stands capable of cleaving people ?
Is killer queen a reference to the band queen?
What if a vampire ate normal food?
Pillar men and Space ripper stingy eyes.
What was so bad about Pucci?
OnTableTop Interview with C7 - The Horus Heresy RPG
OP stands in alt universe
How could the original ending to Stone Ocean have gone?
Why did emporio say "a fate more terrible than death will happen"
Do the Fourteen Phrases have a meaning, or are they random phrases that just happen to work with the Plan?
The new Warhammer Horus Heresy RPG will let you “render enemy fleets to ash”
Does the manga have more content than the anime?
What happened to star finger?
Kars lawyer
Will there ever be an Echoes act 4?