People in your thirties, what substantially changed from your teen years?
Would you take a pay cut for a promotion?
MN Cannabis Licensing System Shutdown
Why is Rise asking for medical marijuana card???
Goids take over as the superpower in HIP 20827
Human Thargoid Spire Site?
What’s your dream woman like?
Is this all negative? For job purposes.
What's the biggest "wtf?!" moment that you've had a on a first date?
What’s a family secret you found out as an adult that completely shocked you?
51 applicants in 40 seconds??
Continuous Authentication
How many straws would it take to break a camels back?
How best to use my time off from work, for someone who doesn’t really have hobbies or friends to socialize with?
As an American worker, how do you feel when Social Security is referred to as an entitlement program?
Noob Question - Grinder Size?
Using movie titles only, how would describe your last poop?
What’s a common hobby that is perfectly enjoyable with entry level equipment?
This is a weird question, but what do men consider good sex?
The commodity what the system map calls "Heliostatic Furnaces" (and cannot be found anywhere) are in fact Microbial furnaces in-game. It is a required component of certain settlements.
Home Run on Lantern Light
Colonization Exploit
How would you live your life if you knew you'd be guaranteed to get a free $4k/month, every month for the rest of your life?
Behold my horrible little experiment is nearing completion. All that's left is the planetary port, behold the future cluttered settlement of Detroit!