Is this a good 2000p army
How do I convince my spouse the Chiropractor isn't always the solution.
Hello there
Some action shots
Please elaborate further.
Forbidden weapons
A Soviet woman who lost seven sons during World War II.
Facing aggressive child stranger in public space
How do you play when going first?
Maul or goedendag?
Getting back into it
My girlfriend’s gym-husband is planning a “commitment ceremony”
Anvil siege force, heavy int
East Portland and Hazelwood Blight
I found my brother after he committed suicide. AMA
Rate me F40
How to convince wife to sleep train?
started talking for about a month
How did the Polynesians discover Hawaii?
Closest thing we got to this here?
See a party, just leave.
Grey Knights take 3rd at Grand Onslaught 9
What to add for 70pts
Dove in at the deep end.