So we made it to TikTok yall,
Hi Ayla 👋🏽
Why hasn’t she dated anyone at bama ?
Do you guys think Kylan’s parents are pocketing some of the money she’s earning from social media?
How I imagine Kylan and her friends are monitoring this sub
Oof she lost 6k followers the day Amaya posted her video 😬
Criminal families at ZTA
Do we think Tonya herself is abusive?
Dead inside
The lil friends
Amaya’s explanation makes 10x more sense because this is the original tale they tried to spin…
A zeta sister comes forward regarding what actually happened with @kylan_darnell and @mayahshai1
Amayah’s video summary
Their mom is committed to sabotaging them
Just noticed they neither of the girls follow back Tonya on instagram?
What is exactly her “work” ?
Dare I say…her Miami content is actually good?
Baby you can’t really think this looks good 😭
Another installation of tea spill Fridays ( but make it Sunday lol)
Kylan you’re actually embarrassing for buying followers…and especially expecting people not to notice 😂
WIBTAH for not allowing my boyfriend in the room when I give birth?
Been everywhere but going home to visit….
It looks like Someone is buying followers 👀
Another installment of Tea spill Friday !!
My theory on who I think Kylan is trying to get close too..
Does anyone else kinda find it funny..