Had the absolute best sex of my life after smoking sativa with my boyfriend last night
Why don’t I get wet as a woman in her mid 20s
My bf (27) and I are worried that he might be showing early signs of balding
Why don’t I get wet as a woman in my mid 20s?
Finally got the courage to ask my gynecologist embarrassing questions about my body.
What should I buy on my trip to CA?
Accidentally humped my girlfriend (18M, 18F)
WhT subject should I add to make super interesting
What style of glasses would suit my face best?
BF (M21) has a porn addiction. (F21) Is it over?
(26F) Is it odd that my bf (27M) practically begs to go in the back door when being intimate, but when I suggest doing anything to him in that region he's heavily against it