That You Are takes first place! What song sounds sad but the lyrics are horny?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
what’s the line, kids??
What’s the one song that never fails to make you tear up?
The winner is Abstract! What song sounds sad and loving?
three words: ew, eww, and ewwww
What song sounds sad and has sad lyrics? Though this template would be perfect for Hozier’s music (originally from u/OliviaSabrinaBillie0 and reposted on r/ConanGray by u/aesthetic_girly123)
5/5 English bakery!
gap year success
Oxford CS
Law 5/5 !
Just visited UCL’s admissions department ❤️❤️❤️
Should i apply to oxford
Unmasked ep 4
We said what we said ✊
What do people want to do about Twitter/X
I’d tell them put be back in it darling
Conan is a guy, right?
What Hozier lyric(s) is this for you?
Y'all what lyrics is this??
POV: you love Nessa so much she has her own page in your scrapbook
My ranking of all Hozier songs that I know of (tier list!!!) (don't kill me!)
What song is that for you?
what am I?
"In a unique and playful way"
Hot take, big hot take: nobody’s soldier is better than too sweet