72 ohuhu markers, cramping hands and my soul i was finally able to finish it
my baby’s lungs started to fill with fluid on new years
What lesser known or "uglier" symptoms of mental illness would you like to see in media?
i need to be sedated
the pain of getting stitches is soooo much worse than the cuts
this place was always comforting to me as a kid
dead eyes with bpd
I keep trading one unhealthy coping mechanism for another 🤍
adderall comedown is so ass
yeahhh this is the lowest i’ll ever be
What is your story when you first got "discovered" doing sh?
what made you stop?
Is anyone else afraid of possibly not being accepted by a future boyfriend or girlfriend?
anyone else feel this way?
Does it annoy Er Doctors/Nurses to have reoccurring patients?
meme dump + vent below
Anyone else kinda want to cut on their face sometimes?
Cutting has now inserted itself into my fantasies
What are your guilty pleasure names?
What’s the most outlandish excuse you’ve used for scars?
I got freshly diagnosed with adult ADHD and I'm also going through an extremely hard time rn. If somebody feels up to it, some kind words would be very nice, literally anything, I feel like I'm drowning
trying to not let things affect you with the idgaf mindset but it catches up to you😭
From the perspective of someone who self harms, what is a sign some one is self harming that could easily be overlooked?
Lockjaw might be fatal and very dangerous, but I'm like 60% sure that people here are more afraid of scurvy.