Why are so many people following Islam
The show is not only entertaining but quite educational..
Ukrainian man getting forcefully conscripted
La deuda histórica es una pendejada
Pecka in the sun
The feminine
Visuals that stuck with you?
El nacionalismo y patriotismo son un cáncer.
People leaving islam
Horrors That Make You Cry
We all love the snyderverse but is there something about it you would change?
What’s one GOOD thing you can say about A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) ?
Religious Man Goes on Insane Rant
There is no such thing called marital rape
What do you think is the funniest kill in horror? I'll go first:
La gran mayoría de los islamofobicos no conocieron un musulman es toda su vida
Lorne's nose is like a natural canopy.
American Christians always seem unduly concerned, even obsessed, about other people's sex lives. It's as though sexual behavior, to them, is the dominant or even sole determinant of moral behavior. Why are they like that?
Is the Nicholas Cage the greatest Scream King?
Me internaron un psiquiatria
Los "ateos" han matado a tanta gente como los "cristianos"
Hottest woman on the show?
Hombres ¿Creen que ser padrastro es bueno o malo?
I hate the traditional Islamic family