Is This What Most Guys Would Call Their Dream Girl?
How attractive are pigtails?
Do you find young women like this LESS attractive due to how unattainable they appear?
It feels like it's harder for women to age in the modern world
Instagram is making me anxious
People like me shouldn’t be born
is it enough to cook my boyfriends favorite meal in a thong for his bday present?
How high on the scale do you need to be for someone to genuinely find you attractive?
Thoughts on Chinese beauty?
Would every guy choose “garlic bread”?
I’m afraid of being settled for
I hate how people lie about what body types they prefer
I’ll never accept how I look
How to look more small and delicate?
Why do guys of other races
Should you give up on looksmaxxing if you’ll never look the way you want?
How important is coloring? It seems like the world favors lighter coloring due to eurocentric beauty standards
Should you still try to improve if you’ll never look the way you want?
Is it unrealistic to want to date someone who finds me very attractive?
How to not take everything personally when dating?
Which country (or region) is underrated when it comes to beautiful women? For me, it's the entirety of South Asia
[45 F] Any advice?
People like me aren’t beautiful