Gf left me, now feel insecure so i'll rely on external opinions 🤡
Struggling with confidence. Any advice?
Am i ugly!
Slick back or messy?
Slick back or nah?
22 years
Would bleach blonde suit me
25 Slick back or messy hair?
Slick back or messy hair?
Longer hair yes or too feminine?
25 small peepe plus mild autism very nice roast me
Do i look arrogant?
Small peepe plus mild autism also do i look like a homosexual with that hair (trim the beard?)
Small peepe plus mild autism roast me
I am severely autistic and cringe in person
Schizoid and mild autism combo plus small peepe he/she/it cant tell lol [25 M]
Undercoin Farm
Fix Asymmetry
Crystallized herbs
THCV and schizophrenia
Question about daggers
Does Rogue Victimize Key passive critically strike?
Hilfe mein Leben geht kaputt und ich bin schuld