This is will be my last day on Reddit.
In the first trailer for Superman (2025), our first look at the titular hero is him terribly beaten and exhausted, this is a reference to what the last 11 years did to the character's reputation
Imagine if the Saiyans of DBZA were women instead of men. Redesign by Jacqui CLK. How would the dialogue go? Would VEGETA'S be different?
Mines GOW. Yours?
I want to buy one like this, how much is it?
I saw another post on here about a heart shot and the deer ran 50 yards.
Best squirrel hunting gun in ur opinion?
Just wanted to show off my biggest buck
Lil Lays
Define them in One word
Did I do this right?
My second year of hunting and my second deer ever!
Make me cry if you dare
Day 7 - Which Black Clover character immediately comes to your mind when you see this color? - Green
Self deprecating humor
Do you think Krillin has a family group chat called Team 3 Star?
My 2007 Grand Prix keeps making this clicking noise before starting. Can anyone help to let me know what it might be?
You are locked in a room with King Cold, because he intends to marry you, what you doing?
What did he do there for a year by himself?
Who Wins this Fight?
What should I watch for my 100th anime?
Is this an ethical shot @missmichigan?
OG YouTubers vs New YouTubers
My first deer