Push to use AI is annoying
Has anyone went with a solo practitioner? Mistake or good time?
How to get into IP/Trademark sector?
Tirzepatide Customer
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
What time in the AM do you go into the office / start work ?
Perks Flex
Am I the only one that doesn’t hate PI?
Filevine do you use it?
Has anyone ever worked on a famous case?
Wilson Elser
Less Client Interaction
Tirzepatide oral lack of results
Not Effective? Tirzepatide Dosing
What’s hard about dating you?
How did you celebrate your 40th birthday?
Got a reminder that I have a good husband. Please share if you have a good spouse as well.
Pay Rate
After effects of stent removal
Cringe moment with my attorney
Hi y’all! I’m suffering from heartburn every day. Am I the only one? I don’t see much about this. If I’m not the only one, what do you do to help with it? I can’t take too much tums because I get calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Did everyone do "something" for their 40th?
Master of Legal Studies
Gow to become a Trademark Paralegal
What's the most ridiculous portrayal of the legal field that you've seen in TV shows/movies?