Any tips to make Declan less torturous in boss rush?
Ender Magnolia, without contact damage it's too easy
Question About Ender Magnolia (Re: Difficulty)
Ender magnolia too easy???
Adding customizable difficulty to Ender Magnolia was a great idea.
Why do Ado's singing songs pierce our hearts?
If it is stupid but it works.....
Now that Tori has been out for a while, what's the general opinion on her? Is LS or speed set better? Or the torrent, pen, inmu set? (I don't have that one.) I'm using the The Armament art, so the CC% is covered.
antimage bug? what is going on here
Is Black Frost good?
I'll buy you any steam game you choose, up to the value of $100! (+ my two previous games)
Wake Up Honey, New Midas Bug Just Dropped!
Nerve Wracking World Bahamut!
Any RPGs that check these boxes, which I haven't already played?
Grinding in the First 2 Chapters?
If they faced each other in chess, ¿who would win?
How my friend celebrate Christmas
My job is done
After numerous speedrunning attempt, this is my Spleen Sweeper highscore 44k, what is yours?
In my opinion, Kez is the single most busted hero on release with the right build
Kez Mid Build Basic Combo [Deso BKB]
Will Kez Get Nerfed or Buffed !!!POLL!!!
Metaphor in a nutshell accurate version