Status meines Onkels
Alte Dame kratzt sich auf (schlimm) bitte Hilfe
WhatsApp Status meiner Eltern
Haben meine Eltern in ihrem WhatsApp Status
Searching for the name of a music video (tw: mentions of suicide)
Ich hoffe das passt hier rein 😭
I don't like this one bit
Would be happy about your thoughts on this
Do you have dreams that are as realistic as reality?
Made a Quiz that tells you which Kaiju no8 character you are
How were you introduced to SH?
Glutengaltiges Reismehl
Find the translation mishap
The bed of a 23 year old guy I know
Polarlichter im Norden DE
Maybe I should've repot this Monstera sooner
White, slimy, blops whilst on the toilet
White, thick, slimy blops when emptying my bowl
Does anyone else experience this?
was isn das?
School hallway
Getting compliments (vent)
It's originally darker
The last thing you Googled is what kills you. So, how do you die?
What’s a trend that you’re glad died out?