Know these Bandits Fans?
Is it okay to leave seasoned steaks in the freezer?
Let’s talk about 12hr+ Brisket Hot Holds!
When to serve Wagyu?
Cajun boil in bag - tips needed
Mammoth fan traveling to Buffalo
Bufallo Bandits Officialy Announce That The Game is a Sell Out
Help Smart People
Brisket Resting - do you reheat?
New to posting on reddit but this is the most important subreddit so here’s some ribs I smoked on my Oklahoma joe bronco using hanging hooks
I haven't been able to do this for two years. I've missed that smell ?
Smoked venison queso. Just never gets old. Thanks to all of you for always inspiring!
First try at Pastor on the WSM
Happy Thanksgiving! Tell me I did good!
Boba Fett - Battle Damaged (Multiple Slides)
What is your toxic trait in Destiny?
Are pre orders on Amazon horrible for everyone or am I just lucky?