This creepy orange thing in South Florida
What do you think his real name was before he became "Conquest"?
Everybody mocking Immortal when this absolute Jobber exists in the same universe
Moorhen tending to its children
Moorhen in green sludge
Free falling
The red badge of courage
I just realized the “writing” scenes from the teaser trailer show the script for their respective season’s opening scene
This one was very cooperative
AC vent in car looks wayyyyyy out of it
I am SURE this is how this storyline will go
He would probably record this as his phone ringtone lmao
Why is this bird so grumpy? And what’s the deal with the ear tufts?
Does somebody know what duck this is?
Goose family
My bird feeder became a squirrel feeder
I wonder what was powerful enough to scar him and make him lose an arm
Mean mug of doom
Can you help me identify this bird?
Black racer viewed behind glass sliding door
Tegu with two baby iguanas in its mouth
19M, is this a maturing or receding hairline?
Is this a Turkey? UK, back garden
Saw this mf at the fish store today