New Player to Level 50 in 7 Months
Sooooo what did you all think about garten of banban 0
I'm so obsessed with this character. But what do YOU think of Syringeon (The goat)
Unpopular opinion but I think the sequel movies weren't as bad as people make them out to be
Garten of banban 0 was great
Does anyone know when garten of banban 0 is out on Xbox
Should I wait for garten of banban 0 to come out on Xbox or just whatch the gameplay on yt
What Pokémon is this?
Who's the bigger sociopath here?
Who is hatman ?
Should I evolve? It’s my only one.
Who would win this battle?. Rey Skywalker vs Yoda, mace window, quigon gin and obi one knobi ?
Y'all have to admit that all of the Jedi except Luke Skywalker,rey and Chewbacca wouldnt be able to beat kylo ren in a 1v1
Can anyone help me ID the things on my right?
Can we just admit that the new marvel movies are 100000% better then the old
My first shiny caterpillar! Should I evolve it to a butterfly?
How do you know god isn't lieing about what he says
I am going to hell
How would you deal with Jeffrey if you were his parent?
Which shiny legendary should I invest my time into?
Should I evolve my shiny Jangmo-o?
Which one should I evolve
How many lucky/shinnies do you all have?!
Which one should I put down ???
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