What partner should I pair with this absolute meme of a mon? Yes, i know reuniclus exists, but this can use the funni teacher card (salvatore) to get something out turn two
Next day: The hot one
My friend’s husband collects minerals.
Making 40 card decks for kids. Seeking inspiration
So what can we expect to be the chase card of Journey Together?
Has Anyone Actually Got A Shiny Archen Yet?
Any advice for a mama with a kindergartner who loves Pokemon?
Just painted this. How did I do?
She took gymnastics for 16 years
Loking for a tutorial for this house :)
Did my friend scam me?
Just decided to make a crime thriller tv show, what should i name it?
Saw the title "for msrp" then this description...
Never seen so many raids so close together
AI Camera thinks this is food
Most detail Minecraft tree EVER
Do your poodles sit like this?
Who is regularly hitting 50km a week?
Caught him yawning, yikes🐩
I’m a five dimensional deity that consumes planets to live and yours is the most pathetic one. I have ever seen, give me one reason to leave your planet alive
Wtf is it though??
rate my skin 👀👀👀
Shrouded Fable ETB $11.99?
Letting Go of My Entire Pokémon Collection to Give My Fiancée Her Dream Wedding
What do you guys do with your mini tins? Just picked up this tin bundle for the packs but I really don't want to be wasteful and just throw out the tins.