Netflix Data Analysis
One happy family, the future is looking bright
What teen here had the biggest crash out moment?
This process is so unfair
Most shocking moment(s) of the show?
Idk her name but the girl who wouldn’t go on a date with Brion is my MVP.
Would you be put off by a girl who does bjj?
Loving biology is not a prereq for med school
Erikson's Psychosocial Stages [Mnemonics]
The Z-Fighters doing almost no damage to Broly is always odd to me.
I'm glad that the MCU is acknowledging this real world BS in-universe I can't wait until he appears
Bro needed to be humbled, but even this was way to much
499 ExamKrackers HL Diagnostic. Testing 4/26, plan on taking AAMC FL's soon. Thoughts/Advice, should I be worried about pushing test date back?
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
learning in-n-out has root beer floats has been a game changer
anyone know what this is. very itchy
What motivates you to become a doctor?
What do you even do with an MPH
You can use one spell in real life, but only this one, forever. Which do you pick?
A thief attempted to attack Chito Vera with a knife.
Anybody else not preheat?
It finally happened. Know it all blue belt thought I was brand new.
Chito Vera talking about his house being broken into: "Who the f**k set up the f*****g law. If you walk into my house with a hood and a lantern and a f***** shoot you, I got to jail. Someone's gotta figure that out. That bothers me"
Words and Phrases You'll Never Hear the Same After Applying to Medical School…
How accurate is this? I thought the MCAT ave was ~512