Opened the cupboard and this fell, I'm eating glass today
How to win Trainerless challenge!
Monster Hunter Wilds NVIDIA Drivers 572.60
What are some of your small insecurities?
Team that carried me to 45 wins
[KCD2] hardcore run kind of
PSA: Try to do *every single side quest possible* before the Wedding.
As a single target frost mage should I put a single point in Improved Blizzard just in case?
Pourquoi les gens du voyage sont-ils mal vus ?
So incredibly tired of this deck...
Combats feel..not the same
Been thinking on this recently, how did Pewdiepie recover so well from his “bridge incident” that almost ended his career?
For those who completed the 5 win streak.
How can Uber eats legally leave me in limbo with my food?
Famous last words
I died at 41, don't know what class to go again as
A2 update bingo sheet!
Wouldn't a W/L tracker for each deck be a MASSIVE addition to the game?
FTP players that have been there since the start, how close are you to a full dex?
We all keep talking about the best cards, but what do you think is the actual worst card available right now?
Looking for a guild with a small tight-knit community
What race/class you are and what music genre you are listening to?
Enjoying the good plays.
The only reason you wouldn't rob a bank is because you know you'd get caught.