Is the Tesak worth grinding for
Char Murat confirmed?
When you realize that you need to spend 12 hours a day for a week in the game to get a new IX premium Char Murat.
Just researched E50M and get skin for it today too :P
Fico nie je clovek. Su to styria certi prezleceny za jednu osobu!
Nemocnica Malacky
Preco su slovenske urady neschopne
Robert Fico is not a human. He is four devils disguised as one person!
Toto si chatGPT mysli o ficovej politickej kariere
September update - Thier 11?
I swear, some of you have a financial literacy of 5 year old kids, because there is no other explanation to why WG keeps making lootbox events...
I dont see diference
How do you know WG gonna give you a massive loss streak.?
So again, If we can have in game this, why we cant have moe anime girls skins?
Returning to game after 3 months and get some lucky streak
Wow... Just wow..
Again LOOOOOOOOOTBOXES in 3rd month, 3rd time
Im at a loss for words. seriously ? what even is going on in public
Only one right skin on leopard. Pew-pew-pew!
I meet this guy. I guess he know what enemy thinks of him.
Bye Bye DBV-152
And the mountain cast its shadow upon me
Is Iyouxin furry?
Oh bro, last night was epic. I dont remember anything.
7,2 times more bounce then HP. Guess tank.