Am I weaker because I started skinnier?
Working out for 2 years - not a lot of progress, being bullied
Is pain in the tendons of the upper arm natural after swimming? (29/M)
For a beginner swimmer who has never done any sport, how quickly do you build muscle?
Assessing my progress
Should I base myself in Fukuoka for 2-3 months of language and tourism?
Is Sapporo a good choice for 2-3 months of language study + tourism?
Something clicked and I doubled my distance!
Pain in both shoulders from freestyle?
Adult learners: how long did it take to commit swimming to muscle memory?
Thank you r/swimming - what’s next for me?
What a difference a day makes. I won’t quit just yet.
Returning after 15 years, hip pain [37YO]
What to do while recovering from achilles tendonitis?
What... is this? Found in Gilead, Maine.
sorry mr Suf , but 👁️👄👁️
Department head told me to break a leg on my first day of teaching, so I did
My friend covered Vesuvius - but is too shy to post it!
Comfortable daily wear for leg casts or other temporary disabilities?
Can anyone figure out what brand this is? Our best is Hoffman. I don’t know about violins though
Pointlessly gendered and homophobic at the same time
Devil's tooth (Hydnellum peckii) found in Juneau, Ak.
Best place to find roommates?
Macro shots of a few edible species.
Life hack: I've finally figured out how to justify the pronunciation of "Leominster" to people