One of their core character traits is their rampant ego. However- like it or not -they’ve more than earned the right to be.
Who’s the best and worst actor here ?
Why do you guys think there’s such a big difference between the Wuxi finger hold in the first and third movie?
Favorite villain whose reason for being evil is so stupid it has you like this
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
I know people usually criticize Thrawn in Ahsoka, but I'm going to point out one great decision made with him
If you were force sensitive and could wield a lightsaber what colour would be your preferred Kyber crystal??
[Loved Trope] Male Characters that have breakdowns from the pain/trauma they experience
Does anyone know why it is still locked?
Did this live up to your expectations on an accurate depiction of legends Luke’s power?
Which Is The Real One?
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
Isn't the language called "Shyriiwook"? "Wookie" is the species.
Why are normal subreddits on reddit called ‘porn’ and the nsfw ones have ‘gone wild’ in them?
Characters who for lack of better term are literally walking spoiler
How old can my chicks be to integrate new chicks?
Which version of the Rebel Alliance's formation and the theft of the Death Star plans do you prefer?
Why do I constantly want my husband to talk disrespectfully to me during sex?
Lost 121lbs in just over a year. Ran a half marathon!
The Old Call of Duty
Bike scorpion!
The Faces of Derp
Well, pardon me young man, excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but Is this legit?
How powerful would a Jedi Vader be?
Should they throw away their trash can?