Am I the only one who reads SLOW
Is Don Quixote worth reading?
Clothes are hard, Total beginner
Elizabeth Bishop - One Art
Finished Stella Maris last night
anyone have a book that they don’t really like but for some reason it resonates greatly?
Cormac McCarthy, Novelist of a Darker America, Is Dead at 89
Strymon flint mild chorus sound?
Newbie question about Outlier slim dungarees
people have been psyoped into thinking jennifer anniston is hot
The Lapsed Fan Podcast is hosting a Wrestlemania Afterparty!
What is your favourite non Cormac Mccarthy Book/Novel and why ?
Male appreciation thread
Have y'all heard Dylan's "The Grooms Still Waiting at the Altar"
Unreasonably in love with my new Gray Light Futuredarts
What is the funniest book you have read?
Cuts Clothing 6 Year Anniversary Sale 25-50% off
Please advise: 38 year old, new to investing, seeking some beginner advice
Greats shoes sample sale, some good prices too!
I am only 23 years old and I’m about to start making more money than I ever thought was realistic. Problem is I have no idea how to manage it. Any advice?
Which brand would you recommend for swimming shorts?
Andrew Schulz | The Tim Dillon Show #307
Injex Popover
a manic list of 10 film scenes i believe all men love and why they love them, according to me (a woman who has been drinking)
Is there anything as good as Suttree?