Is this upgrade still worth it? If so, which sets?
I made aHope Greatsword IRL
Returning player appreciation post
Season 5 Megathread - Friend Codes and Loot Showoff
It finally happened!
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
My 11 year old just hit legend!
odds of getting in
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 5 Heroes of StarCraft mini-set codes!
Wow finally a mega pull!
TRE Schoolgirls
Smash or Pass?
Well then!
Future Canadian Student here. Is Anderson College a good school for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in Ontario, Canada?
everything you want, and more.
brains, body, and beauty
How did I do?
Finally completed Indomitus Mirror
How lucky am I?
My bad luck streak is over
As a middle-aged guy, I once took a wild leap and moonlighted as a male escort for four weekends
Must try Resto and Food in Cebu City
Doggo we adopted during the pandemic
Ragnar Combos