happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Which tower was this for you?
Throwback to when I predicted a glove two years ago.
I’m so done with this boss man
Which glove was it for you?
Look what arrived today
How many badges you all got?
D e m o n a t e r
Trading all of these
making sb memes for no reason
Prepare the defenses!
Run Maze during 50 Killstreak
Difficulty: Impossible
Whats the most underrated weapon in your opinion?
give me your avatars and I’ll rank EVERY SINGLE ONE (open for around a day)
in your opinion, which glove would you like to get a mastery?
Easiest Mastery to get
This island ain’t big enough for the two of us
I need uhh the im uhh the need suggestion to draw smh slao battles related
Would you rather deal with five overkills or this hell
Bosses that people say are hard to S-Rank, but are quite easy
Describe your main glove as a reason why you hate that glove so much