Cobra Kai is over. Here is my list of every fight in the show, from worst to best.
Just finished season 2 for the first time
First time watching. Just finished season 1.
Lost Bingo: Worst Death
Favorite Episodes Besides…
Without counting character deaths, what are your favorite scenes?
Finished the show. Season 6 review and overall thoughts.
Just finished season 5.
The Sam disrespect is lowkey crazy
Just finished season 4.
How would you rank all the season finales? (Not including 6)
Kwons actor probably shares a lot of the same criticisms we do
Just finished season 3.
Just finished season 2.
I just binged the show from Season 1 to Season 5
Characters who have zero haters? I’ll start:
Would you have saved Shane when he was trapped on the bus?
My top 10 TWD scenes
Non-dance movies which contain a spectacular dance scene
Fight at the frat party: one of the best so far IMHO
What underrated song are you shocked isn’t more of a fan favourite?
The worst cobra Kai season!!!!!
Sam LaRusso / Mary Mouser opinions
First time player who’s terrified of horror games- loving it so far
Celtx free version - formatting error