What nirvana demo or kurt cobain demo do you think would’ve been awesome as a fully produced song?
Why aren't these sidequests marked off?
Good memories
Free Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut GOG key
Guess what I got my hands on today…
If Metallica was to do a new covers record what do you think they should cover?
How many times did your Jensen punch this man?
Merch from sydney
Does anyone have any context or info about these pictures?
100% Humble Brag
[DX:MD] "I Never Asked For This" Difficulty Doesn't Unlock Even After Beating the Game Three Times
Perfect angle
Bassist, I have a question about Jason Newsted
I finally got it
Missing Link missing texture maps…
looking for a photo of Kurt in this t-shirt. i’m sure i’m not making it up…
Probably the worst STP song ranking I’ve ever seen
NGD - After nearly two decades of wanting one I finally got one of my dream guitars.
Thoughts on signature guitars?
A few of my guitar projects
Tell me your favorite band or artist listed here and what is your favorite song by them?