Launcher stuck on update loop
Anybody else haveing launcher problems?
How do you celebrate spring?
1st of March a Spring Celebration
Is living on the first floor of a building considered low class in your country?
pershendetje jam nga shqipria dhe dua tju edukoj pak, kto jan kërnacka edhe jo qebap flm
The mayor of Tirana has been arrested. It is a significant day in the fight against corruption in Albania.
Ca mendoni per rrepistat shqiptar?
Are you eligible?
Macedonians too now???
Kur te vi nje kryepeshkop shqiptar ne kishen orthodhokse shqiptare a do e pranoni?
Do you balkan rage?
Avg dog in CROATIAAA
average albanian barber shop
Anpther Vučić and Begaj classic
Perfectly balanced 🇦🇱🇷🇸
Balkans: what do you think of Poland?
Are there any foreign brands who's name sounds funny in your language ?
Countries with their dogs.
fuck westoids
albanians wants to bankroll uefa for the next 10 years
Turk gets bullied by alban 😱
Turks is this true??? 😱
Least patriotic Croat’s car vandalized by an Analbanian
Match Thread: Croatia vs Albania | European Championship