Reward for vehicle something on 3/18-19? Vehicle decorations??
The first trial of the T-34
I spawned in the enemy spawn
Slot Bugging
Spawned in the wrong spawn
Just roll back the patch already. Its embarrassing at this point
Addressing the removal of gold orders
Weird problem
Crossplay not working on Xbox series x enlisted
Full Crossplay is Forced on Xbox
Update broke my game.
Beginner question Why is the battle pass delayed and why is that bad?
Help new update make me cant put Vehicle in squad.
Just the ones I wanted!
Anyone else unable to equip a plane into their squad slots?
Uhmmm... Did I just get the new update early??
Supply drop: Special Delivery
I rly hope that Darkflow is Cooking Up something Big, if not, this 16-day delay is Unacceptable
I don’t even know what to say at this point.
question about troop nationality
I don't know what I expected.
Important news about the upcoming update
Why ?
5 months later, still no fix???? It was fine for years until NOV update.