Death in a past life
How do i memorize the steps of a surgery?
Does anyone know if there is a symbol for closing/ solidifying/ sealing a blessing?
Is it possible for a soul to be killed?
Do you wash your legs when you bathe?
Im addicted to the OR
Sacral center broken
How do you call a Country which disapproves of everything you do?
My niece's dream
Neurodivergence and Reiki
Am I overreacting?
How do you all display your marbles? This is what I came up with
Does anyone have experience with pets where they would behave like humans and after they pass they come back again in any other form?
Would you quit or deal with it?
How can I get ferrets to stop using the restroom in the kitchen?
Advice/Tips Please!
Question about order of bodywork
Scientists have created an air freshener that's controlled with your mind.
Rude Nurse advice
During clinicals do some preceptors go out of their way to try to make you look bad, and if so how do you overcome it?
When is it safe not to use gloves on instruments used on cadaveric specimens for educational labs?
Any guess on what breed baby girl is?
I think I might have died in 9/11
Why is it that when a ghost appears or is about to appear, it feels very cold?
How to deal with surgeons