Isn’t it interesting how Capricorn is half goat and half fish as an earth sign?
Scleral Contact Lenses
Is it just me…
Have y’all more commonly been heartbroken by or broken the heart of Cancers? What happens?
Do you guys believe in god?
I feel like we're good at this
Why do Capricorns have to keep it a secret that they love you??
Why are we so intimidating to other people?
Objectively speaking, do you believe we are the most important of the zodiac?
Idc what Capricorn placements you have, just tell me who you’re married to/attracted to.
The Villainy of Pippin. Lord of the Rings (Movies)
So obviously the industry is dying. What are some other jobs I can do?
Someone did a HORRIBLE job
Best sign that’s compatible for a Female Jan Capricorn
Capricorns and purpose
anyone else too honest
Calendar bug?
Do people think we're gay?
Why do ♑️ speak the way they do?
Capricorns , what do you say?
Do you find yourself making the first move in relationships/friendships?
Capricorns, what do you think?
Who is your favorite fantasy author?
What the heck happening with evernote
Table formatting