I’m done snarking on Lav because she’s so irrelevant, inherently miserable, and pathetic to the point of where I don’t care anymore
“I do not have any filters on my webcam”
Whattttt theeeee ffffffff. $1800/hr..
Any classical music reqs?
does anyone here has a suggestion of preparatory readings for better understanding "Powers of horror"?
Kalea Little/ Lavlune/sigmaphemoid/ditch_witch/bogwitchethel gets kicked from Keemstar’s YouTube stream “lolcowlive” after saying all black people are evil and admitting she’s racist.
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Video of Lav shading her ex husband and rich men after bragging about marrying/their wealth for years
Lav Talking Shit About Herself…Again
Have you guys seen her recent video talking about her divorce? Her comments back are….interesting…. Lav he didn’t care bc he probably didn’t know if the baby was his or not🤣
Hard launching her divorce to get sympathy from her remaining active TikTok fans who don’t know she’s a racist psycho bitch.
Lav Lune/ Lav Little/ Phemoid/ Sigmaphemoid acting like a white supremacist.
she is so fucking stupid
Lav is an Ashkenazi Irish patrilineally sephardic Jewish Moroccan Arab Native American Afro Latina
Oh no guys our very PUBLIC snark page has been “infiltrated” by one of Lavs friends😱 How could we be so naive 😔
“You don’t need to be poor to have people pay your bills- that’s just smart thinking!” Ok, because asking for tuition, saying the n word to get OF traction, and asking for Taco Bell are all giving shameless and broke to me!
Lav ( Kalea Little ) physically and verbally abuses her partners
Lav exhibiting her abusive, racist, manipulative, and codependent behavior in a two minute clip on Gooner’s stream. (She’s drunk btw).
are we going to discuss the current Destiny events or
The animals
These photos are 7 months apart btw
11 likes and only comment is hate- her falloff is insane.
Is she just going to keep buying new animals? What happened to her frenchies?