Do employers actually care about your online accounts?
Thoughts on the GTX 1080
Dear techtokers: Nobody gives a fuck about your phones
Hi guys it's windows7dog
Mod announcement
The collection is rapidly growing
Question about My Samsung Galaxy S9+
How do you describe your trans journey so far, in on word?
the state of techtok
The purpose of this subreddit
omg a club dedicated towards me!?
You think I wouldn't find you lil nga
Where to a game box
Is a wifi card required for bootmii (as boot2) to launch?
First Attempt at 'Indigo' GC Wii Shell
Possible to find manufacturing date of my Wii?
Finally collected three major DS generations, I now plan to collect every model in between
I suspect a long distance friend is being abused by his brother, what can I do about it?
Leaning tower of Wiis because I was bored
Fun fact: sunlight can function as a Wii sensor bar
Had to restore my NAND with Ohneschwanzenegger and now I’m getting this error??
Got my hands on an untested Wii and I’m more than happy with what I got.
Called out an hacker and got banned
You’ve revealed the letter H.
Reminder to transfer blocklists when getting a new phone 🫶