V i showed you my charging port pls respond (render by me)
A collection of V simping memes I've made/saved
N, Uzi, V, and J Group photo! (NUVJi?, NVUziJ? ) (render by me) || Phew, that was a hard and long one! Write your ideas for next art!
N, Uzi, V, and J Group photo! (render by me) || Phew, that was a hard and long one! Write your ideas for next art!
N and Uzi when: (render by me) || Got you guys some meme templates, while working on new art.
Uzi pregnant?? you can see the change in him
j redemption arc of my series
"Live no longer to kill, but to protect" Eternal Vendetta
V concept art ReRender (render by me) | Quick render for you guys, also gimme your ideas!
V is filled with bloodLust, AGAIN. (render by me) | Enhanced color grading a bit and made it 4K
V is out of fuel, AGAIN. (render by me) | Write up your ideas, some of them already on the list!
V is filled with bloodLust, AGAIN. (render by me) | Write up your ideas, some of them already in the list.
V is filled with BloodLust, AGAIN. (render by me) | Write up your ideas, some of them already in the list.
N's Extreme japanese apology | 75% done (animation by me)
N before MD events happened (SOUND) | Extreme Japanese Apology (animation by me) Extended version later!
N before MD events happened | Extreme Japanese Apology (animation by me) Extended version later!
J's average 3am fanfic reading session. (idea by u/NagWorker / render by me) Write up your ideas!