Best Hundos for PVE?
What should I do with these? Who should I build first?
HOTS is now one GeForce Now
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Weather Boosted Mega Swampert. 2 locals Party Power. 0423 4087 9286. Please show online and accept invite quickly. Can invite first 10.
Dynamax is not fun :(
Stop spamming and lying about weather boost!
Absolute noob. Choosing to suffer
How many shiny legendary and mythicals do u guys have!?
How many of these do you keep?
Silence changes have to be a troll, right?
Need expert advice on healers
What’s a word that sounds dirty to you, but technically isn’t?
Mega Swampert. 2 locals Party Power. 0423 4087 9286. Please show online and accept invite quickly. Can invite first 10.
What is that one skill every man should know ?
New patch has introduced some crazy bugs
Weather Boosted Tapu Koko. 2 locals Party Power. 0423 4087 9286. Please show online and accept invite quickly. Can invite 10.
Question from a returning player to the community
Is Unranked dead?
I just hit the jackpot with this Templar
How do you defeat these? Do I need 10 physical friends? Is there any other way?
Just won on vet, going to try harder difficulty, any tips?