F2P players , show off your grind
Drop your pulls from 104-107
What's the best player you packed ? Here's mine
Which one guys?
Who should i get?
Post Your f2p only team (be honest)
Got him in 3k gems... How's he?
What's your luckiest pull?
How to rank up players?
Best redeem code ever?
building a small discord server for new devs like me so we learn together
No degree, No Job?
Must watch documentary
Getting married and the night
Rate Your City Out of 10 Based on Developer Salaries
Arshad Nadeem wins gold🏅
Olympic Gold after 32 years + Pak’s first ever Olympic Record
Best POTW Winger you have-
21 -35 years old, how's life?
Kuch reh gaya hai ?
OnStream is not working
I’m confused
Is he good ?
What did anyone else get after 2 tries