What are your Thoughts on YT Shorts PowerScaling?
Who Wins This 1v1?
How far can Vegeta go?
What was the toughest battle for Goku?
I saw this on Pinterest but what y'all think?
The fact that the GhostSpawn match was spoiled in Spawn's preview and people still bet on Ghost Rider was insane
He may not be a traditional hero, but still a hero regardless
Anime fans I really just wanna strangle you sometimes.
Fishing boy vs Lonely Man
What’s the prince of all saiyans spittin?😩🔥
SAy the name of your favorite entrance theme but replace one word with fuck
Someone said KSI looks like Angstrom Levy and now I can’t unsee it…
Daima SSJ4 but in the regular SSJ4 design
What moment has got you like this in KOF?
Who hates SpongeBob, the most?
What is the prettiest reason someone was in a game or tested?
Who would win?
Mark looks *terrifying* in this scene.
What's a Trope you find annoying when it comes to Powerscaling?
Who was this for you?
Goku ssj3 fusion reborn vs gt Goku ssj4
Have you ever had one of those days?
Did I cook?✨🔥😩
Considering SSG makes user leaner, is this what SSG Cabba would look like?
What is a death battle you think didn't age well?