Final Garage Tour in 2024 (After 2 years of progression)
New ad on windows... for the game itself 🤣
If I leave this car in "unlock" state, will I be able to play the 1st step of starway again to get extra bps?
Which one of the them suits your racing style?
Stuck at MHA event stage 12
Have been a year
Is this new? Apparently you can get the key by packs and lucky
GL trying to be sneaky with 55 tokens and 100k credits ads (In the Legendary Offers, swipe until very end to see these offers)
Did GL just increase drops rate for Zenvo in MP1 packs?
Nobody saw that coming! Gameloft can get fucked.
Where is My Opponent?
Chinese version is A class. This global version is not competitive in this class. Personally I'm so sad for this Nissan GT-R Neon.
Are they giving the same vibe? Last pictures are of initial.(They aren't the same I know that)
Tell me what free CARHUNT you want! Excluding S-class cars and key cars
Describe this car in 1 sentence.
How do you grind hundreds of 40 seconds races without getting bored?
Zenvo Aurora Tur SE just started.
Upcoming key car hunt - Porsche Panamera Turbo S || required cars, stats & track.
Would Asphalt 9 have more players if it was more F2P friendly?
Requesting this brand in A9
Asphalt hoarders unite
Is this an April fool's joke? Screw this sh*t.
Those OC racers are annoying, but at least I reached Master League
is there even a limit on how much u can earn, i thought the limit is 70k, and here i am earning 71k