Which facial hair looks best?
Does suboxone make you look like a junkie or do you start to look healthier once you start suboxone?
AIO. am I overreacting or is my bf
For those that have stayed with their cheating partners at least a year later, what is like? Why did you stay?
Roommates girlfriend stays over 3 nights in a row
What is the best subreddit for a woman chubby chaser?
Bf (40m) flew to Florida without telling me while I (30f) spent the weekend in jail
Love to see them both ready!
Terrible morning nausea, frequent bowel movements/diarrhea, no relief with ANYTHING - but antibiotics help??
A piece of orange peel extracted from my daughter's nose
Accident, no insurance not my fault but have now suspended my license
Officially being scheduled for an ICD.. what can I expect?
Coping with chronic fatigue?
Aaron Rodgers is Jimmy Kimmel father
Jimmy Kimmel Hints at the End of His Late Night Show
Dosage cut on suboxone, having cravings - should it be increased again?
Dr just dropped me from 8mg to 4mg - will I withdraw?
Verbal takedown
Scared of working out
I'm wondering if I have heart failure...
realistic to get a pacemaker for bradycardia (40 bpm) & 2nd degree AV block type 1?
Yall r weird
why do ignorant people call it “cheating”?
Anyone want to tell me how I was being rude? This guy absolutely went off on me for nothing lol.
What $b songs are cringe?