Did you guys experience withdrawals?
Difference in recurring cost (sparplan vs manual buy)
Are you happy with your salary and your taxes?
Is this a real/ good product
Who is your DJ crush?
Screaming crying. I swear if it gets canceled 😭😭
Just an FYI for Lab audience/gay tourists, Lab Dance this weekend has a hot lineup (Boris)
Will spinning LLFP damage my turntable?
Complete collection after 1,5 years!
Dating in Germany
Eiweiß syrup für Cocktails
Trans man, first time at Lab
Is it rude not to accommodate the dietary restrictions of my colleagues?
IG Metall Salary. Does it increase every year?
How much will be the entry for the 20th birthday?
Learned my Lesson on Mystery Vinyl
lost coat
Recession in Germany and its future
Sex after circumcision
Top Gay Places in Berlin
First in the queue = smaller chance to get in | Queue logic
How is the job market in Germany in the Automotive domain currently?
Unable to land an Internship for 3 month
Accidentally went to Lab + berlin experience
Are you able to save up in Germany? If yes, how much do you save annually?