Syntax error uploading code vie PicoBricks IDE
I wonder why our schools don't have money... Oh yeah, Sparx.
sparx maths lowk sucks so hard
My school just started using Sparx Maths for homework
The amount of open tabs on my brothers PC
Can do all guh?
Power box to my apartment blew up in a ice storm last night causing this:
Why doesn‘t my pc turn on
We got a wedding picture ruined because someone drew a dick.
oh man sparx really do be using stock photos
Pistachio Earbud
Screw sparx maths
Just a reminder that this video exists.
i somehow uninstalled settings
Is this just new for my school or do all schools have this now on sparx reader
Sparx being a fucking idiot again
This is so satisfying when you do the fast track and there’s only 1 question left
Last day of half term and I have to do fucking sparx reader
How many of you actually write down bookwork checks?
What country is this? Wrong answer only
How did this happen?
Pls report sparx for having a diddy reference
Gauth Paywall Bypass (sort of)