Operations Do's and Don't? (Pic Unrelated)
[Lore] Salamander Successor Chapters - do they have the same approach?
Public Testing Server Cosmetics for 7.0
Is it too late to get the game
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 3 officially announced!
The only two jokes in the campaign 😂
Lietuvos liberalus jaunimas rekomenduoja lietuviams nustoti savintis Vytį
Dovana mirusių ruzzkių kareivių mamoms 🤣🤡
Leaders of the Free World
On this scale, what is your opinion on magnus(and heres the art I made of him)
Easy (though boring) way to farm for the perfect dodge Ordeal
Would you want 40K to ever have a continues story with a final ending or would you rather have it remain a setting where some new things happen but really it's just never ending
Serbams įgriso nuolatos pralaimėti prieš mus. Laimėti jie ir nenusipelno.
Is the PvP scene still active?
Danish intelligence: Russia is ready for a new war after Ukraine in 6 months | These calculations assume that NATO does not accelerate its armaments at the same pace as Russia.
4000 kills and 1000 xp?
Which Heretic Legion would you like to see in a potential Space Marines 3?
Ar darbdavys gali matyti mano tikraji issilavinima ir darbo patirti?
HiRez Layoffs Megathread
People are hating idiot of the east but dude is self aware
Pasiūlyk Lietuvišką filmą
Žiniasklaida: Germano kameroje atliktų kratų metu pareigūnai rado 3 telefonus
List of HiRez employees affected by today's layoffs. Thank you for your work, and wish you all the best. [Updating as more come out]