Meet my morris (help plz)(read description)
Banned for saying this guys name
Don't do _____ kids!!
What's your name without these letters?
Every Mortis main dream:
I got banned for saying hi to someone I friended...
bro how is this harassment
What are your coordinates?
Hey spirits, can you write the first 100 digits of pi?
So, what did you eat today Romans?
So thats why you should never interrupt a buddha grinding
Top comment removes a Country [Day 20]
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
Pretty rare, so I decided to make this.
I'm the second one, btw
We have smartphones, smart TVs, and pretty soon, we'll have smart _____!
Own up, who caused this?
Why is this not banable?
Am I the only one who suffers from a power point shortage?
What You Would Give for a Dragon?
Born to cum, forced to ______
The real size of Africa
Am I the gang now ?
Hey guys check out where your nation belongs in Southeast Asia!
Find him a name please ! 🫶