Characters who are blind, but can fight very well despite the fact.
found a comic i made 3 years ago. no clue why i made it, but it made me laugh so hard
Cognitohazards: Things dangerous to perceive (Click this at your own risk)
I want to see just how powerful your OC’s are, so what better way to see than putting them up against the king of the multiverse
What’s the silliest idea you’ve had that turned out pretty cool?
Losercity drama
Volume 4 of J. Immat. Sci. is here! Download link in the comments.
TIL suddenly ceasing to blink/staring means “blank eyes/eyes going blank” 💀 I thought it meant when people’s eyes roll backwards showing only the whites of their eyes…
This characters is actually a lot of bugs swarming into a humanoid shape
Wizard, Churchill, I'm doing this for you. And yes, even for you, player.
Essay rule
Confessing my hard space opera sins
v1 after soaking in demoman tf2’s blood
π ≠ π
artists who can play guitar vs artists who cant play guitar
Opinions on my algebralian gijinka “One”?
show me your “would actually be horrifying to see irl” OCs
Universe sections.
The classic trio of Strong, Smart, and whatever other trait the writers felt like adding.
I made these vinyl stickers for my humbuckers, yay or nay ? Do you put stickers on the pickups ?
How to keep melted chocolate at melted consistency/runny for topping/garnish?
First sci fi vehicle
Weakest character that could beat a fully grown, peak health, bloodlusted African Elephant?
can a tumblr girl really love a reddit guy (@chomplicated
What air guitar cord is this?