What's too close for a .270 win
Seems like a lot of folks grow up hunting. Did any of you start as adults and if so how was your experience?
Traditional horse archery yes?
First hunting rifle
First paint job
LPT Request: How to tell which trees are safe and/or dangerous during a wind storm
How to stay warm in a formal dress—any discreet thermal options?
Bcg thoughts
BCM worth the wait?
What is a small habit that makes a significant impact on your mental/physical health?
PSA’s newly announced 6 ARC Sabre means they’ll start producing 6 ARC ammo.
Bama 10 Point
Got to watch him bedded at 63 yard for 5 hours. Could have shot him twice. Fortunately i shot a public land 8 point the same size 2 months ago. What a great experience.
Any recommendations for a recoil shield for my girlfriend as I introduce her to longrange shooting with my 6.5 creedmoor?
Did anyone learn how to hunt on their own? How did you go about it?
Deer of a lifetime
How do you process your old Mature bucks?
What causes sparking wood?
Losing it!
ELI5: What causes people to go insane after being isolated for so long?
Bow Hunting Success
What can you tell about me based on my EDC?
What is the worst reply to "I love you"?
can u put a supressor on a Bergara B-14 Hunter